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Once upon a time there lived two handsome gay cartoon characters called Max and Raun. They had been in a relationship for some time and desired to take it to the next level.
One day, Raun suggested to Max that they explore free gay cartoon porn online. Max was a little hesitant, but after Raun promised that it would be a great way to spice up their relationship, Max agreed.
So, the two friends logged onto their computer and started searching for free gay cartoon porn. They were both surprised by the vast array of different types of graphic images and videos they found, and they quickly became engrossed.
They clicked on one video in particular that caught their attention and were entranced by the visuals and sounds that were presented. After watching it, they both felt aroused and decided to take things up a notch.
Max pulled out some hand lotion and started pleasuring Raun in a way they had never done before. Raun too was incredibly aroused and soon had an erection as well. They continued to explore free gay cartoon porn, and as the hours flew by, they injected more and more elements of their newfound porn into their physical activity.
By the end of the night, they both were exhausted but fulfilled. They could both tell that their relationship was only going to get better from here, and they planned to check out more free gay cartoon porn the following weekend. And the two lived happily ever after.