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Dean and Taylor were two avid Fortnite players who were also best friends. They had been playing and dominating the game for years, but they had been distracted lately by the prospect of making actual money off of their games. When they heard about the Fortnite Porn DoubleCross tournament they knew they had to take part.
They both agreed to enter the tournament and though they had the skills to win, the entry fee was too high. To make the money they needed, they were forced to doublecross each other and make a deal with Thanos, the reigning champion of the tournament, who promised to give them a share of the pot as long as they backstabbed each other.
Dean and Taylor both agreed to the doublecross and competed against each other in the tournament. Throughout the match, they kept playing up their respective strengths and exploiting each other’s weaknesses. Taylor was an incredible builder and Dean was an expert in combat, so they both tried to out-perform each other as much as possible.
But when the end neared they both started to worry, as they both were in such a good position. At the end, Dean managed to rack up enough wins and points to take home the grand prize but at the cost of losing Taylor’s trust.
Thanos was expecting something like this and thus had pre-arranged the victory for Dean, much to the dismay of Taylor. After the tournament, Dean got to keep his portion of the winnings but Taylor was left with a broken friendship and the reminder that the Fortnite Porn DoubleCross never pays out what it promises.